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Dunwoody Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Class Information

Each week we have a Top Banana. This is a student who has had exceptional behavior for the entire week.
Each week a student is chosen to demonstrate a science experiment for the class. The student presents the experiment for classmates, usually on Thursdays. Watch for the Scientist bag and books coming to your house.

Please work with your child to make sure assignments are completed each night. All homeork is to be turned in together on Friday.
If the work is too easy, feel free to challenge your child to do more.
If the work is too hard, you may write a note to the teacher and make modifications for your child. Second grade homework should take twenty to thirty minutes giving all children time to read books and play every day.
Practice your math facts! Wherever you are, ask your child math questions. Call out addition facts in the car, ask questions in the grocery store, let your child make up questions for you to answer. Your child must know addition and subtraction facts quickly to be successful in Math.

Your interest in your child’s education is important for success at school. Please feel to contact me with questions you may have. You may write in the Planner, send a note, or use e-mail for the fastest response.

Remember, you may come have lunch with your child here at school anytime after the first two weeks of school. Please check in at the office and fill out the appropriate form. Also, as a school which emphasizes Health and PE, we ask that you bring only healthy lunch foods for a special treat. Soft drinks are not allowed. Also, we will have a "working" snack time in the morning. Please send in a healthy snack that can be eaten quickly and not make a mess. Children may have a water bottle in the classroom, but please do not send in a juice box for snack time. Your child may bring peanut butter in their lunch, but please no peanut butter in with their snacks in class.  Our classroom is a nut free zone. 
For birthdays your child's name will be announced and they will receive a special pencil and sticker. Also, their name will be put in the "birthday cake" outside the classroom door and they will have their special birthday homework pass. You are welcome to come read to the class that day, but please do not send in food for a treat.
Spelling Contract
  • You may choose any of the following spelling activities, but they must total up to at least 20 points by the end of the week.
  • You must choose at least one activity that you didn’t do the week before.
  • All spelling words must be used in at least one activity.
  • All work is expected to be neat and show effort.
  • All assignments are due Friday (unless announced otherwise).
5 Points

  • Alphabetizing – Write your words in alphabetical order.
  • Repetition – Write all of your words three times each.
  • Color Code – Write all of your words. Color code the vowels and consonants. (Ex. Blue=vowels, yellow =consonants)
  • Flashcards – Make a set of flashcards for studying your words.
  • Picture – Draw a picture that includes as many illustrations of as many of your spelling words as you can (at least 8). Write the spelling word under each picture.
  • Poem – Use six or more of your words in a poem.
  • Spelling Practice Test – Ask an adult to give you a practice test (oral or written) and check your spelling. Have an adult sign your practice test.
10 Points

  • Sentences – Write a sentence for each word. Underline the spelling word in each sentence.
  • Collage – Cut your spelling words out of a newspaper or a magazine and glue them neatly onto a piece of paper.
  • Word Search – Use graph paper or a website ( to make a word search with all of your words. Find the words.
  • Definitions – Write the definition of each word. Be sure to write the definitions in your own words.
  • Comic Strip – Create a comic strip using at least 6 of your spelling words and underline them.
15 Points

  • Creative writing – Write a story about a topic of your choice. Include at least 10 spelling words and underline them.
  • Crossword – Use graph paper or a website ( to make a crossword puzzle with at least 10 of your spelling words and their definitions.
  • Travel Brochure – Make a travel brochure that includes at least 10 of your spelling words. Underline the spelling words. Remember to include a map, directions, and pictures.